Once upon a time, I wanted to be a novelist. There's a long story attached to that which I won't share (because it's boring), but it involves a real-life plot twist:
writing this blog instead of a book.
I have two purposes being here.
The first is to have a space to think out loud, to get outside of my head. Years ago, after one particularly intense counseling session trying to sort myself out, my therapist regarded me silently for a moment then remarked: "You are a woman of many words." I'll admit I was confused. I was paying him to listen. Wasn't I supposed to do the talking? Upon reflection I realized it was his delicate way of suggesting that I think too much. Which I'll own, though I prefer the phrasing one of my dear friends used: "You have a rich inner life!" I do. And I'm ready for that inner life to finally meet the page, even if it's not as the bestseller I envisioned.
Which leads me to the second reason I'm here: to examine ideas and discuss hard topics. I think we've all noticed there are a lot of people on this planet, a lot of sincere but competing beliefs and needs and pursuits. A lot of arguments. A lot of people hurting, and hurting each other. So I often ponder what we're all doing here, and why; how the world is changing, and my role in it as one human being among billions.
Ultimately, that pondering has led me to the blogosphere because I want to figure out:
How do I stand faithfully, yet peaceably, for what I believe in? How best can we share the public square when our convictions, our visions, clash?
My aim for this space, in a nutshell, is to seek perspective with civility, and humility.
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